In the Media
Some of my research has been described in various media outlets, which both excites and embarrasses me.
Technologically Facilitated Remoteness Increases Killing Behavior
The Academic Minute – a summary of the paper read by…me.
Spektrum (Germany)
Quality of Professional Players’ Poker Hands is Perceived Accurately from Arm Motions
NPR (audio & transcript)
The Cognitive Consequences of Formal Clothing
Handling Ibuprofen Increases Pain Tolerance and Decreases Perceived Pain Intensity in a Cold Pressor Test
Avoidance-Based Voting
Seeing Red (and Blue): Effects of Electoral College Depictions on Political Group Perception
Blog > National Affairs (red state)
Deus ex Machina: The Influence of Polling Place on Voting Behavior
Shedding Light on Insight: Priming Bright Ideas
The Pen is Mightier Than the Word: Object Priming of Evaluative Standards